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Sustainability at Branson


Sustainability is an integral part of life at Branson. From solar panels to composting, Branson is committed to creating a successful and sustainable learning environment for its community. Please take a look at some of the programs and buildings on campus that demonstrate this commitment.

Additional Projects

We are always seeking to innovate and improve. Here are a few projects that are currently in the works. Stay tuned for updates, and we're sure to keep adding more!

Eco-Line of Spirit Wear

sustainable spiritwear

During the 2021-22 school year, Advanced Environmental Science students worked to create a new line of Branson spirit wear through Recover Brands, starting with a Branson t-shirt made of 100% recycled content and post-consumer PET (from plastic bottles). Be on the look out for them at the Branson Spirit Wear store soon! 

Meatless Mondays

Students collaborated with Chef Marcus and the Epicurean Team during the 2021-22 school year to craft delicious "Meatless Monday" menus in an effort to make Branson more sustainable. The 6-week experiment was a success, and now Meatless Mondays will continue, dramatically reducing greenhouse emissions and water usage. Learn more about food at Branson.

Contact Us

To learn more about sustainability at Branson, please contact Peter Zdrojewski, Environmental Science Teacher at or Justin Culley, Director of Operations and Educational Technology at

Thank you to the students of Peter Zdrojewski's 2021-22 Advanced Environmental Science class for their work and collaboration in creating this web page. We look forward to reflecting the additional contributions of Branson students here in the coming years.